Friday 26 April 2019

My heart is now a Fire ball!

Your thoughts have been my visitor,
They visit me each day.
Memories are good, precious and reminiscing,
Is what people say.

I wish, just with a good-bye,
it would all end.
Memories have made scars,
Which are hard to mend.

My heart is now a Fireball,
Burning with your thoughts.
Your thoughts are its fuel,
Me, to ashes they have brought.

I hope I'm not here for too long,
I'll emerge stronger than before.
The fire will mould me into my best,
Just like it does to gold.

Friday 29 September 2017

I'm Fine....

I'm fine,
Just that, when I pick up the phone, i expect your call,
I'm fine,
Just that, when I meet new people, I feel your presence in all,
I'm fine,
Just that, when I achieve anything, I see you applauding proudly,
I'm fine,
Just that, when I sleep, you are in my dreams.

I'm fine,
Just that, when I open my eyes, I see you beside me,
I'm fine
Just that, when I walk on d street, I feel you around me.
I'm fine,
Just that when I look into the mirror, I see Us,
I'm fine,
Just that, words like emotional attachment, love, relationship, feelings, do not matter anything to me anymore.

I'm fine,
Just that, I prefer staying alone all the time,
I'm fine,
Just that, my inability to accept the reality is killing me,
I'm fine, Just that, the thought of you never
goes away....

Thursday 15 September 2016

I WILL LAST.......!!

I'll last in the mornings you wake up and smile
I'll last in the efficiency of your unusual style
I'll last in the brightness of the sun that shines
I'll last in the chills that go down your spine
I'll last in the fragrance of the flowers that bloom
I'll last in the pleasant scent of your room
I'll last in the chirp of birds that sing
I'll last in every single thing
I'll last in the flow of river that runs
I'll last in the firmness of mountain that's stun

I'll last in the softness of the breath you take
I'll last in every action you make
I'll last in the rhythm of your heart that beats
I'll last in the blink of your eye that sees
I'll last in the sweetness of your voice when you talk
I'll last in the steps that you take to walk
I'll last in the personality that stole my heart
I'll last in freshness of every new start
I'll last in the cuteness of that mole
I'll last in the warmness of your soul 

I'll last in the sadness of your tears
I'll last in your pain when no one's near
I'll last in the silent nights when you are alone
I'll last in the loneliness you spend on your own
I'll last in your agony while you stare at stars
I'll last when you're forlorn in the car
I'll last in your breath even when you smoke
I'll last in your words, with whomever you spoke
I'll last when nobody cares and you're in fear
I'll last in your torment in every single tear

I may go away for I am mortal, I shall last with you, in you, Forever.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Caramel Egg Pudding or Caramel Custurd

Caramel Egg Pudding or Caramel Custard

Caramel Egg Pudding or Caramel Custard is a very tasty dessert and each one would surely love it. Now here is an easy recipe to prepare it.

Caramel Egg Pudding


Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 20 - 25 mins

Ready in: 60 mins

Yields: 8 - 10 pieces


  • 6 Eggs
  • 1/2 Litre Milk
  • 2 Cups Sugar
  • 4 tbsp Custard Powder
  • 1 Cup Sugar for Caramel


Put sugar in a non-stick pan, add 3-4 drops of water and let it heat. You will find that the sugar is turning into caramel (Brown liquid). Put the caramel into a steel container.

  1. Heat milk in the pan and let it boil.
  2. Meanwhile, put the eggs along with egg yolk in a bowl.
  3. Add 2 Cups Sugar into the bowl.
  4. Add 4 tbsp Custard powder into the bowl and mix well.
  5. Add the heated milk in the bowl and mix well such that sugar gets completely dissolved.
  6. Put this mixture into the steel container in which you had put caramel.
  7. Cover the steel container with a lid and wrap aluminium foil around the lid.
  8. Add a glass of water in the Idli cooker.
  9. Place the steel container into the Idli cooker and close the lid of the Idli cooker.
  10. Leave it for 20 - 25 mins.
  11. After 25 mins, check if it has been cooked by inserting a knife. (In case it is still uncooked, steam it again until cooked.)
  12. After it's cooked, place a plate on the container and turn it upside down such that the egg pudding is on the plate.
  13. Store it in the fridge for about 30 mins.
  14. Your yummy, delicious Caramel Custard/ Egg Pudding is now ready to serve.

Monday 16 November 2015

Is Islam Terrorism?

Islam is indeed a religion of peace. Islam doesn't allow or permit killing of innocents. Allah says "if you save someone, it's like you have saved the whole of humanity and if you have killed someone, it's like you have killed the whole of humanity". So, in the above statement, it's not just referred to save Muslims, someone means any human being.
The terrorists who kill the innocents do not belong to Islam. Terrorists have no religion. They are misguided and terrorism is a religion by itself.There are terrorists who belong to Christian and Hindu community as well. But as it's said, terrorists have no religion and terrorism is religion by itself.

Our society must stop humiliating other religions and respect all the religions equally. After all, that's what Islam teaches. We must not have double standards.We must follow the religion of Humanity and spread love and peace. Humanity is the best religion.
There is no verse in Quran which supports blowing up of innocents. Prophet Muhammed says "Whoever hurts a non - Muslim will not smell a whiff of paradise." Islam is against terrorism.

Islam is against terrorism!

Thursday 1 October 2015

What would I do without you?

When I was hungry, you were the one who fed me
When I fell down, you were the one who held me.

When I was upset with my failure, you were the one who made me realise my potential.
When I was victorious, you were the one who celebrated my credentials.

When I hurt you unintentionally, you bore the pain without any complaint.
When I troubled you for something, you did not let me feel the same.

When things were messed up and you were torn apart, you did not let us know what is pain.
You behaved like everything was normal, Though your heart cried over and over again.

It is said that mother is a girl's best friend, you're the best one, that's true.
A minute without you is unimaginable mom, I wonder what would I do without You?

Friday 10 July 2015

Congee or rice porridge

Congee or Ash or Kanjee or Ganjee

It is a recipe prepared especially during the holy month of Ramadan. It's a very healthy diet which avoids gastric problems which occurs due to fasting heat. 

Congee or rice porridge 

Cook Time

Prep time: 10 min 
Cook time: 10 min 
Ready in: 20 min 
Yields: Serves 10-12 small bowls


  • 2 cups Dry Rice, Slightly grinded
  • 2 Onion
  • 4tbsp Oil
  • 4tbsp Moong dal
  • 20 Mint leaves
  • 2 tbsp Coriander, Finely Chopped
  • 4 Green chillies, Sliced or chopped
  • 1/4 tsp Turmeric
  • 1/2 tbsp Ginger Garlic paste
  • 2 tbsp Raw coconut, Grated
  • 1/2 tbsp or as per taste Salt
  • 1 1/2 litre Water
    1. Pour oil in a vessel and heat it.
    2. Put the chopped onion and fry it until it turns golden brown.
    3. Add Ginger Garlic paste and mix it well.
    4. Add moong dal, green chillies and mint leaves and mix it well.
    5. Add slightly grinded rice, salt and turmeric mix it well.
    6. Add grated coconut and mix it well and leave it for a minute or two.
    7. Add 1 1/2 water to it and stir it. Let it boil for 8 - 10 mins.
    8. Finally add chopped coriander for decoration.